Begin to use your precious time, more wisely ...
Pay 100's for access to one-to-one coaching ...
'Motivational Monday' - an Online (and Event) Coaching & Mentoring Workshop Plan.
Use the Workbook - then: download the pdf version of the Journal, in order to 'type-in', print out and re-use again and again ...
Join the 'Motivational Monday' Weekly Workshop Group [or Event] ...
... and gain access to Daily Workshops including: zoom calls; webinars; email coaching and x1 new digital downloadable resource each month!
The Online Coaching Plan: is more than just another Online or Event Workshop.
You will receive 'step-by-step' links of 'instruction' on how to 'build-new-skills' in
'Personal-Development', designed to help encourage you to begin 'planning-your-way' forward.
When you ‘make a plan’, you need somewhere to begin - and, a ‘step-by-step’ process, often works best.
Discovering how to create and ‘action goals’, will often be the ‘SMART’ way to go.
Goal-Setting - The 1st-Week of the Action Plan - begins, as soon as you click on and join
The Coaching Membership Group.
Then: purchase 'The Month Journal' full-colour Workbook.
Use the Workbook - then: download the pdf version of the Journal
(this will be sent you, following purchase of the 'full-colour Workbook),
in order to 'type-in', print out and re-use again and again ...
(The Month Journal: can be used as a basic support platform from which to develop and or improve a
'self-led' mindset - so that, you are then able to begin planning your future 'goals'.)
Remember: Life Coaching is different to that of other therapeutic practices.
Life Coaching can often be about making 'connections' with others whilst also trying to find
'inner-calmness' - so as to begin to recognize solutions, which can often be found from within ...
The Coaching Practice - includes workshops based on:
'relaxation & calmness': towards 'Better Sleep'.
It is always recommended that you seek the advice of your GP/Practice Nurse and or medical link
if you are ever in any doubt about your health. No medical advice is offered within the Dreams Analysis or
'Better Sleep' Workshop.
Workshops may also include 'links-of-referral', which may be useful for educational,
research and or personal knowledge-building and or study.
The Coaching Practice:
💡 Techniques: in 'Personal Development' and 'Goal-setting'.
Are you ready to begin?
e-Coaching and Mentoring support: works in 3-ways:
1) WORKBOOK: complete the exercises in the WORKBOOK (based on daily, weekly and monthly goals).
2) e-GROUP: join the weekly e-GROUP (or Workshop)
3) COACHING CALL: book your individual COACHING CALL and take part in email coaching
Join my weekly workshop & e-group
Hi, my name is Jacqueline – and, I live in the UK
"Standards, throughout, are very high."
"The self-led approach - is very empowering."
Question: What is 'self-led' coaching?
Answer: WORKBOOKS and other Coaching Resources, have been designed to help encourage you to consider, ‘what you have now’ - and also ‘how you could
achieve more' ... just by ‘acknowledging’ and even ‘adapting’, so as to
begin to change your own ‘mindset’.
You will be able to work through and complete each
Workbook task, on a flexible basis.
Question: How can I access Weekly Workshops?
Answer: 'Motivational Monday' Workshops, take place both online
and or within 'Events'.
You will be sent the joining link, via email, as soon as you join the plan.
Question: What is email coaching?
Answer: email coaching will include links of connectivity, that will be unique to you.
Question: What if I want to change my mind?
Answer: It's hoped that you will find connecting to
'The Coaching Plan' a really beneficial experience.
*NEW* You can now make a 1-off purchase and subscribe to the plan ...
...and, you can also 'unsubscribe' [from the plan at any time] and still keep your copy of 'The Month Journal': full-colour Workbook.
CLICK ON: You can even 'subscribe' to the e-Group NEWSLETTER for FREE!
Jacqueline Melbourne-Milner, Life & Language Coaching
It is always recommended that you seek the advice of your GP/Practice Nurse and or medical link if you are ever in any doubt about your health.
Coaching Workshops do not offer medical advice - including that of: the Dreams Analysis or 'Better Sleep' Workshop/s.
Workshops may also include 'links-of-referral', which may be useful for educational, research and or personal knowledge-building and or study.
Affiliate and or sponsorship links are also included, in support of 'affordable coaching'.